Monday, March 31, 2008

Hey, DNC, leave Al Gore ALONE, he owes you NOTHING!

The party did not want Gore in 2004. They considered him "damaged goods" because of the 2000 FL debacle. Like that was HIS fault! COWARDS!!! Didn't they realize voters recognized Gore was cheated??? Nope. Instead they went with that loser Kerry. A terrible choice, but I voted for him to try to get rid of Bush. Of course we all know what happened to him... swift boating anyone? They simply underestimate the Republicans every chance they get! It's so FRUSTRATING I could scream! Oh wait, I AM SCREAMING!!!

The DNC is utterly clueless. It continues to amaze me how they decide to back the wrong candidate.

I saw Joe Liberman explain on 60 Minutes why he left the Democratic party. He said it's not the party of Clinton/Gore years. It's become far left elitist and self-serving. This is from an insider. It's what I've suspected all along.

And they have put their money on Nobama. For whatever reason, it appears the DNC does NOT want to win back the White House. They only want to give the appearance of doing so. How else to explain the way they've treated Hillary Clinton, who, by all media accounts, was practically the shoe-in nominee not so long ago. The DNC, and I'm talking about Dean, Pelosi and others (probably Kerry and Kennedy too), probably got together and went to NObama and gave him their backing and encouragement. How else to explain the blatant favoritism of one candidate over the other.

Once again, they've backed the wrong horse. But this time, they will pay for it. I suspect many Democrats will have finally had enough of this and leave the party in droves. Not necessarily to become Republicans, but there's always Joe Liberman's solution. Independent. Which is what I thought a democrat was -- an independent thinker. Oh how wrong I was!


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Anonymous said...

Kerry was the second biggest mistake the party made. The first will be Obama. Kerry sold us out for his old skull and bones buddies. Obama won't need to sell us out, he won't win because he has ticked off two huge states needed to win, because he has ticked off 6 million garlic noses, and because he has ticked off countless millions of women.

Obama will go into the history pages with McGovern. That is if he is the nominee in the end. A lot more is to be learned about him.

ooneh said...

i agree with this post. thanks for providing the lieberman anecdote. i remembered the clintons were hated by their own party when they went the third way. history showed that they were right and the party was wrong. this time again, the party elite hasn't learned and have put their narrow interest above the people's interest. they efforts to force an unqualified candidate upon us all will lead to the greatest exodus of democrats to independents. the party elite is totally out of touch with core democratic base it is disappointing. i am definitely going independent if hillary is not our nominee and will write her in the ballot.