Thursday, September 11, 2008

McCainocrats - McCain Democrats - Reagan Democrats

After watching how the DNC elite helped BO steal the nomination from Hillary Clinton I can never vote for the Democratic nominee. His endless lies, bad judgments and associations, terrible voting record which call into question his character and judgment, should bring any intelligent, logical person to the realization that BO should not be POTUS.

Even though her supporters, I count myself among them, did not want Hillary Clinton to be the VP nominee, it was clear that BO made a huge mistake by not begging Hillary to be on the ticket. Thank God his ego prevented that. I still say I couldn't have voted for a ticket with HIM at POTUS and Hillary as VP... however, when push came to shove in that voting booth, when faced with Hillary's name even as VP, who knows what I "might" have done??? BO will never know now, will he, just how many of us might have done the unthinkable and voted for that ticket. But he didn't have the guts to make that decision. We were not surprised because he has not had the guts to make any real decision -- just look at how many times he avoided taking a stand on an issue by voting "present"!

Had Hillary been the nominee, which if they'd had a REAL roll call vote at the convention (and not the rigged sham we saw!) she certainly could have (had the Super Delegates not deserted her for "The One"), then she probably would have chosen BO as her VP. While many of us would have had a problem with it ... we would have voted that ticket.

As it is, the "One" of ambiguous Hope and Change (???) chose a tried and true, old time Democrat with a gaffe prone mind and mouth that is the gift to Republicans that keeps on giving ... Joe "I Can't Help Myself" Biden. Nice man, I'm sure... but I guess after EVERYONE else turned down the VP slot, he was last man standing. Not much Change there, huh?

McCain. I read up on him. I did my research. This man has had quite a lifetime of experience in the world, through a war and in the Senate. He crosses party lines and counts Hillary Clinton among his close friends in the Senate. He is not a perfect man, no one is. But he admits his mistakes and so far I have yet to catch him telling a baldfaced LIE to the camera (unlike BO who seems pathologically unable to tell the truth!).

Palin was an inspired choice because no one expected it. Yes, I am sure McCain chose her in part to appeal to the disaffected HRC supporters. But honestly, he had my vote even though I expected him to pick Romney! Palin also appealed to the conservative Republican base who was not thrilled with McCain. This is something that McCain understood and BO did not. Appealing to those who are not on board. What a concept! So for us HRC supporters, Palin was just the cherry on top! McCain brought something to his ticket that BO could only dream of: real change. A real mover and shaker and a strong woman who can hold her own on the political world stage.

I suspect, due to his egocentric narcissism, that BO has been throwing temper tantrums at the woman who stole his thunder, his media star ranking. I just hope he hasn't kicked that poodle he finally got for his little girls.

John McCain is tough. He knows what it's like to be deprived of his freedom, of physical comforts and basic needs and yet he came back from Vietnam, not a broken man subject to Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, but a stronger human being, determined to benefit from his ordeal and give back to his country rather than give in to the hopelessness and horror of his POW experience.

I will vote for Sen. John S. McCain for President of the United States and Gov. Sarah Palin for Vice President because I believe they will take care of this country. McCain already knows how Washington works. He's ready on Day One.

God Bless the United States of America and Senator John S. McCain!

Hillary Rodham Clinton - 2012!!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Hillary Clinton by Ted Sorenson's Definition is Ready to be POTUS

I was listening to a talk radio show briefly today where an African American personality (not Larry Elder) was angry at Rev. Wright for giving Obama grief because a black man "was dragging down another black man." And I thought, where is your outrage that BO was sitting listening to Rev. Wright for 20 years, allowing his children to listen to him? Where is your outrage that BO didn't distance himself from Wright 10 years ago, or after 911, or even 5 years ago? BO KNEW he was going to run for POTUS some day. His judgment is so poor that he couldn't even plan for his own run for POTUS and distance himself from Wright, Ayers, Rezko, Odinga, etc. so he could run without distraction. And why? Because he obviously feels he can tell a lie to get rid of any discrepancy in his background and has done so numerous times. Because he is arrogant in thinking none of this would matter. Because he obviously isn't making good judgments and thinking about the ramifications of anything he does. So instead of being mad at Wright for calling Obama out on his lies and disowning his association with Wright, maybe they should finally realize that BO is not ready (if ever!) to handle the high-pressure cooker job of POTUS where judgments are a critical part of the job every single day!

Ted Sorenson, JFK's speechwriter and closest advisor, has a book coming out soon and in today's PARADE magazine he was asked:

"What kind of experience do you think an effective President needs to have?"

His answer:

"Experience that is required to make judgments and decisions and answer tough questions under pressure. Kennedy had some of that from being in the war and from spending almost four years on the road testing Presidential waters. People say he had no executive experience, but I'll tell you that running a national campaign takes executive experience. It has a lot of similiarities in terms of the kinds of people you have to negotiate with, the kinds of people you have to stare down or run over."

And THAT, is exactly what Hillary Rodham Clinton has. Too bad Ted Kennedy didn't see the resemblance, because BO couldn't be farther from that description if he tried!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Stand Up Tall and Proud For Hillary Clinton!

For a primary that is basically neck and neck it amazes me how there is a perception out there, fostered I'm sure by the mainstream media, that there are few Hillary supporters.

I did some volunteer phone calling this weekend to Oregon and other upcoming primary states. The people answering the phone were glad to hear from me! They were almost in "hiding" in their support for Hillary, feeling like they're the only ones. They've been bombarded by the news media on tv and in print with all the Hillary bashing. They get shouted down by Obama supporters. It's a freakin' jungle out there, folks!

Why are people afraid to publicly proclaim their support for Hillary Clinton? There is a pervading sense that you are somehow in danger if you wear a button or slap a bumper sticker on your hard earned automobile bumper.

This shouldn't be. Why is this happening? Can it be the lie that Obama is the uniter has come home to roost? It is quite obvious, by playing the race card and playing it hard, Obama has alienated the races and made us afraid. We watch our words ever so carefully so as not to convey the slightest erroneous hint of bigotry.

African Americans over the weekend were presented on the Obama website with a terrible image of rusty slave shackles. The basic idea was that a vote for Hillary Clinton kept the African American in the field slave mode to the whites. What rubbish. What hate. Only a vote for Obama would free the black from the shackles of slavery in the white world? What slavery? The last time I looked the only slavery going on in 2008 was against women and children mostly in third world countries but sometimes, closer to home than you care to realize.

This is the race card and hate at its worse. The Clintons have a long history of serving the African American community. They do not deserve this kind of vile lashing.

The myth of Obama as the uniter is just that, a myth. He is truly a divider now, clearly bringing out the worst in people instead of the good. And how very sad and wrong is that?

So I proudly display my Hillary for President bumper sticker on my car. Just not where it can be ripped off. It's on the inside of the rear window.

I talk about Hillary and her plans and solutions to the very real issues facing this country after 7.5 years of Bush. Most people are willing to listen.

I say, get out there and proudly display your support of Hillary Clinton. Do not let them make you feel afraid. This is still America, isn't it? Or has something happened when I wasn't looking?

For support and a community where you can be proud to support Hillary go to:

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hillary Reassessed by Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

I like this. Hillary Clinton is fearless and has a great sense of humor. This is a must read and you can also view video clips of their question and answer period in that conference room.

Hillary, reassessed

By Richard M. Scaife
Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hillary Clinton walked into a Pittsburgh Tribune-Review conference room last Tuesday to meet with some of the newspaper's editors and reporters and declared, "It was so counterintuitive, I just thought it would be fun to do."
The room erupted in laughter. Her remark defused what could have been a confrontational meeting.

More than that, it said something about the New York senator and former first lady who hopes to be America's next president.

Click here to read the whole article:

Monday, March 31, 2008

Hey, DNC, leave Al Gore ALONE, he owes you NOTHING!

The party did not want Gore in 2004. They considered him "damaged goods" because of the 2000 FL debacle. Like that was HIS fault! COWARDS!!! Didn't they realize voters recognized Gore was cheated??? Nope. Instead they went with that loser Kerry. A terrible choice, but I voted for him to try to get rid of Bush. Of course we all know what happened to him... swift boating anyone? They simply underestimate the Republicans every chance they get! It's so FRUSTRATING I could scream! Oh wait, I AM SCREAMING!!!

The DNC is utterly clueless. It continues to amaze me how they decide to back the wrong candidate.

I saw Joe Liberman explain on 60 Minutes why he left the Democratic party. He said it's not the party of Clinton/Gore years. It's become far left elitist and self-serving. This is from an insider. It's what I've suspected all along.

And they have put their money on Nobama. For whatever reason, it appears the DNC does NOT want to win back the White House. They only want to give the appearance of doing so. How else to explain the way they've treated Hillary Clinton, who, by all media accounts, was practically the shoe-in nominee not so long ago. The DNC, and I'm talking about Dean, Pelosi and others (probably Kerry and Kennedy too), probably got together and went to NObama and gave him their backing and encouragement. How else to explain the blatant favoritism of one candidate over the other.

Once again, they've backed the wrong horse. But this time, they will pay for it. I suspect many Democrats will have finally had enough of this and leave the party in droves. Not necessarily to become Republicans, but there's always Joe Liberman's solution. Independent. Which is what I thought a democrat was -- an independent thinker. Oh how wrong I was!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The DNC needs to let the primaries play out

Earlier today someone pointed out in a blog that it will all come down to the electoral college in the general election.

Hillary Clinton will take those big electoral votes. It's what we've been saying all along. HRC has won the big states, the ones with the big electoral college votes.

Someone in charge of that nuthouse, the DNC, has got to shake the cobwebs from their brains and REALIZE this. Their agenda to crown their prince the nominee just can't be tolerated. They have to stop disenfranchising the voters!

The DNC got themselves into this mess in the first place.

First, they don't have a winner take all primary like the Republicans. This needs to be finally resolved and changed before the next round of this insanity in a few years.

Second, the very reason that California, Florida and Michigan moved up their primaries was because by the time the primaries came around to us, the nominee was decided. There was little incentive to vote except for a hotly contested proposition.

Now that every state, every voter has a real say in who they want to be the nominee the DNC would yank the rug out from under their votes and try to declare a nominee before June!

They can't have it both ways. Either have a primary where everyone has a vote or do away with primaries and nominate your own candidate and shove him down our Democratic throats and be done with it.

If this were the general election where things get very hot and nasty neither side would call a time out and ask the other to bow out for the sake of the country!!!

Rancorous politics is nothing new. Look at the way the mob would tar and feather someone who disagreed with them back in the 1700s. Much more barbaric than words flowing through the internet and on television! Although sometimes one wonders -- as they say, the pen is mightier than the sword.

One would hope that after PA, where Hillary Clinton is obviously going to be the big winner (please God, from my lips to your ears!!!), Hillary will be taken more seriously as the better candidate to go with. And those Senators and Governor who turned their backs on their voters choice for Hillary will finally have back her as they should (Kennedy, Kerry and Richardson in case you needed to be reminded!). Of course I'm not holding my breath over that scenario!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


My cousin in Pittsburgh recently emailed me berating the "negativity of both sides ruining the integrity of the Democratic party."

Ha!! I emailed her back that the Democratic party had long since lost any sense of integrity when leaders like Kennedy, Kerry and Richardson say that their delegates should vote the way their states did (MA and NM went for HRC) and then turn around and support BO. When they continue to support a candidate caught lying on camera several times.

I am completely disgusted by the party literally trying to shove Hillary Clinton off a cliff. It doesn't seem to make any difference if we point out how she is still in this race to win the nomination and CAN do it. Nope. The main stream media, CNN, MSNBC, etc. continues to push and shove and shout against her. I suspect Obama could be caught on camera shaking hands with Osama Bin Laden and people would STILL find some way to explain it away!!!

The rancor toward Hillary Clinton is unbelievable but it points up the basic truth: a woman has to work twice as hard for half the money, praise and promotion than a man. That Hillary has lasted this long, has withstood this onslaught and maintained her dignity and strength is a testament to her capabilities as the leader of the free world.

Hillary made one, slightly insignificant mistake in speaking about her trip to Bosnia. Never mind that she wrote about it the right way in her book. This one slip had the media, the women on The View ready to tar and feather her! What misplaced outrage! Did this remark hurt anyone's feelings? Blast someone as a racist? Put down a group of people? Change the course of the world? No.

Where was their outrage over Obama lying on camera over his knowledge of Rev. Wright's sermons? I'll tell you where it was. BURIED under the words, words, words, pretty little words of Barack Obama. His "fabulous" speech on race relations mesmerized 'em again. As P.T. Barnum observed, there's a sucker born every minute!

One candidate is all smoke and mirrors, false hope and illusion.

Hillary Rodham Clinton is a candidate of substance, intelligence and a real sense of leadership that this country needs.

As one man asked on the Hillary Clinton forum recently, maybe it's time for a second Democratic party. We can gather up the disenfranchised voters of Florida and Michigan and anyone else fed up with this party and start a second Democratic Party.

Because I'll tell you this, the Democratic party is headed for a huge crash and burn and a rude awakening if they don't nominate the better candidate, Hillary Clinton.
I hope that after Hillary Clinton CRUSHES Obama in Pennsylvania, the powers that be in the DNC will wake up and face the music. Face the reality that their MAN cannot and will not beat McCain. And that it will be their fault that the Democrats fail miserably in November.

There are none so blind as those who will not see...

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