Tuesday, March 25, 2008


My cousin in Pittsburgh recently emailed me berating the "negativity of both sides ruining the integrity of the Democratic party."

Ha!! I emailed her back that the Democratic party had long since lost any sense of integrity when leaders like Kennedy, Kerry and Richardson say that their delegates should vote the way their states did (MA and NM went for HRC) and then turn around and support BO. When they continue to support a candidate caught lying on camera several times.

I am completely disgusted by the party literally trying to shove Hillary Clinton off a cliff. It doesn't seem to make any difference if we point out how she is still in this race to win the nomination and CAN do it. Nope. The main stream media, CNN, MSNBC, etc. continues to push and shove and shout against her. I suspect Obama could be caught on camera shaking hands with Osama Bin Laden and people would STILL find some way to explain it away!!!

The rancor toward Hillary Clinton is unbelievable but it points up the basic truth: a woman has to work twice as hard for half the money, praise and promotion than a man. That Hillary has lasted this long, has withstood this onslaught and maintained her dignity and strength is a testament to her capabilities as the leader of the free world.

Hillary made one, slightly insignificant mistake in speaking about her trip to Bosnia. Never mind that she wrote about it the right way in her book. This one slip had the media, the women on The View ready to tar and feather her! What misplaced outrage! Did this remark hurt anyone's feelings? Blast someone as a racist? Put down a group of people? Change the course of the world? No.

Where was their outrage over Obama lying on camera over his knowledge of Rev. Wright's sermons? I'll tell you where it was. BURIED under the words, words, words, pretty little words of Barack Obama. His "fabulous" speech on race relations mesmerized 'em again. As P.T. Barnum observed, there's a sucker born every minute!

One candidate is all smoke and mirrors, false hope and illusion.

Hillary Rodham Clinton is a candidate of substance, intelligence and a real sense of leadership that this country needs.

As one man asked on the Hillary Clinton forum recently, maybe it's time for a second Democratic party. We can gather up the disenfranchised voters of Florida and Michigan and anyone else fed up with this party and start a second Democratic Party.

Because I'll tell you this, the Democratic party is headed for a huge crash and burn and a rude awakening if they don't nominate the better candidate, Hillary Clinton.
I hope that after Hillary Clinton CRUSHES Obama in Pennsylvania, the powers that be in the DNC will wake up and face the music. Face the reality that their MAN cannot and will not beat McCain. And that it will be their fault that the Democrats fail miserably in November.

There are none so blind as those who will not see...

If you want to be proactive and join a community of like-minded HRC supporters, visit www.hillaryclintonforum.net


Tri Minh said...

I firmly agree with this post, especially about Hillary's mistake about the Bosnia trip. It's so small-minded and IDIOTIC that people would dismiss the egregious comments made by Obama's pastor after his "brilliant" speech. I don't find his speech to be so brilliant or insightful. Obama has less experience than Dan Quayle in '88! America is really stupid if Obama wins the election. If only there could be more people who think like you.

Tri Minh said...

Oh! I also wanted to say that it's disgusting that Obama and his supporters condone or even defend Wright's comments. That doesn't bring people together as Obama falsely gives himself credit for.